Naminohana i Utsunomiya




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3-chōme-4-24 Tomatsuri, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0056, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81
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Latitude: 36.5748315, Longitude: 139.869696

kommentar 5

  • k fz

    k fz


    The fried chicken was delicious. The ramen was not to my taste. There have been so many times in my life that I've had more than half left. The store is quite old-fashioned. Please keep this in mind if you are going. ----------------------------- I received a comment from the shop owner that he left 30% I didn't like it at all and only touched about 3 bites.

  • AX -1

    AX -1


    Order chicken salt ramen The noodles are thin, curly whole wheat flour and have a nice firmness to your liking 👍 The amount of salt is perfect for the soup alone, but when combined with the noodles, it feels a little thin. Three pieces of chashu is too much for me, but the cost performance is good. Is the inside a former izakaya? It's a small place that looks like a ramen shop. 5 counter seats Table seats for 4 people x 2 Measures against coronavirus include disinfectant and staff wearing masks Well, the menu is complicated and hard to understand. Basically it seems to be chicken and dried sardines soup,'s hard to understand. Would you like a simple menu? The background music inside the store is playing at a low volume, but the sound of cooking being rattled caught my attention (lol) Increase the volume of BGM I received a reply from the owner It's not a matter of distance

  • kazumaru 781

    kazumaru 781


    Chili tomato cheese ramen? I received it. It's more than slimy, it's almost cold. If I had ordered something else from the menu, I guess I would have received a different rating. When visiting for the first time, I think it would be safer to go for the classic menu~😰 I had two pieces of fried chicken and a small side of rice, and the fried chicken was delicious.

  • micha



    I got in easily at 12pm on a weekday. There were so many menu items that I was confused. I ordered kelp water tsukemen. Seaweed tsukemen rather than kelp water tsukemen? Plenty of seaweed in the noodles. There are 2 types of soup + wasabi, lemon, and salt. The taste of the soup is modest. Eating it with salt and lemon was the best! Lots of noodles. The chashu was moist and delicious. Are you throwing your cooking utensils in the sink? It echoed throughout the store as much as I thought. A number of times. I was a little surprised.

  • bi ebi

    bi ebi


    Revisited in April 2024 This time I used it again in the morning. Order duck tsukemen with extra oil (charges apply). I only eat this, and it's consistently delicious. Thank you for the meal. Revisited in October 2023 This time I used it again in the morning. I ordered salt ramen with porcini mushrooms, warm duck fat soba, and duck aetama. The porcini mushroom soup had a unique flavor and was delicious. Warm duck fat soba, as the name suggests, has the delicious flavor of duck fat, and surprisingly, you can eat it all the way to the end without feeling any bitterness. The duck aetama may seem expensive, but it had a lot of duck on it, so I thought it was actually cheap. It was delicious again this time. Thank you for the meal. Revisited in September 2023 This time I used it again in the morning. The basic menu is a great value menu for morning ramen, but I was told that you can also order the regular menu. So, I ordered tomato ramen with cheese topping and duck tsukemen. I had the impression that tomato ramen was like soup pasta, but it was a well-balanced soup with a ramen-like feel. On the other hand, with the duck tsukemen, I was surprised by the flavor of the duck at the first bite. I've had duck ramen at other restaurants, but it far surpassed it. It was delicious! ! Although the price is relatively higher than other menu items, I thought it was worth it or that I should try this. I like it even more with mitsuba and yuzu. I'm also interested in boletus, so I'd like to try that next time. Thank you for the meal. Looks like I'm doing ra in the morning. I went to La in the morning. I had salt ramen with three types of salt and oyster noodles. I was expecting it to be refreshing since it was said to be non-chemical, but the chicken oil was floating in it and it was more filling than I expected. All three types of chashu were delicious. There are many types of ramen, so I would like to try other menu items as well. Next time I'll probably try tomato. Thank you for the meal.

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