Namba Oriental Hotel i Osaka

JapanNamba Oriental Hotel



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2-chōme-8-17 Sennichimae, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0074, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6647-8111
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6657666, Longitude: 135.5037294

kommentar 5

  • Sally Lee

    Sally Lee


    Excellent Service and Location! Highly Recommend! We had a fantastic stay at the Namba Oriental Hotel. The service was exceptional! When we requested firmer pillows (since we weren't used to the soft ones provided), they were delivered to our room promptly. We were delighted to discover a complimentary lounge on level 4. It was the perfect place to relax after a long day of sightseeing. The hotel's location is also unbeatable – just a short walk (less than 10 minutes) to train stations. One Minor Point: The only thing to note is that you need to change elevators at level 3 to reach the hotel lobby. The toilet paper seems to be rather thin too hope it can be improved. Overall, we had a wonderful experience at the Namba Oriental Hotel and would highly recommend it to anyone visiting Osaka.

  • Blake Triezenberg

    Blake Triezenberg


    DO NOT STAY HERE! Upon arrival, the room that they had given my partner and I was filthy, marks on the walls, mold/grime all through the shower/bathroom, the carpets looked like they had NEVER been vacuumed or cleaned and to top it off dust was EVERYWHERE. The valance on the bed was disgusting and stained, it looked like it had never been changed. The a/c vent had a layer of dust 10mm thick over it. I went and complained and said that this was not okay and they did manage to change our room but the second one was not much better. In the lobby there was a unique musty smell that smelt like they were trying to cover up the smell of old cigarette smoke. The hotel is in a dire need of a full overhaul, not to mention the a/c that is advertised doesn't even work properly. The communal areas by the elevators was so dusty when my shoe touched the skirting board the dust came off and there was visible change in colour Now for the good...the location is awesome but that's it. Absolutely baffling at how this is a 4 star hotel would not recommend

  • kerry johnson

    kerry johnson


    Location is great but also works against it. Taxis will be able to get you close but your still walking a couple of blocks. Rooms are outdated and the carpets desperately need to be replaced or at least cleaned. Vents in the room need attention as well. Lots of shopping and eating in the area. Would not book again.

  • harvey white

    harvey white


    Not as advertised, the room and lobby stink of stale smoke. The rooms were not clean, stains on carpet and furnishings very run down and staff unpleasant. checked out as they were not accommodating and stayed down the road in Agora Place where the staff were pleased to greet us and it smells fresh, is clean, comfortable and still in a great location 3 minutes walk away. Don’t understand how this is rated as 4 star and has such good reviews.

  • KH



    Stayed at this hotel for 5 nights, there is no phone inside the room, any request have to go to front desk, but the front desk at Level3 can't speak English well. The room was not so clean upon check-in, requested additional cleaning, but almost stayed in the same condition (hairs and dust on the floor). Breakfast has limited choice and is always running out (there are not enough staff to serve and refill food and drink). Overall room conditions are poor, it is time to revamp to create more comfortable experience to customers. Note: The add-on bed is not comfy as well.

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