Nakatomi Dental in Taito City

JapanNakatomi Dental



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Japan, 〒110-0005 Tokyo, Taito City, Ueno, 3-chōme−23−11 松田ビル 2F
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3835-0881
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.7063493, Longitude: 139.7733151

kommentare 5

  • keisuke ookubo

    keisuke ookubo


    Last year, my back tooth, where the nerve had been removed, started to hurt and I had it extracted, but the pain didn't subside even after nearly two months, so I went back to the hospital, but they said they couldn't figure out the cause, so I had them write a referral letter and take me to a major hospital. It was discovered that he had gum cancer. And stage III... I've been going here for almost 10 years, getting regular checkups and cleanings, but this is what happened. It's frustrating to think that if someone had realized something was wrong at an earlier stage, I might not have had to undergo such a major surgery. (I almost lost my life) Seven or eight years ago, my wisdom tooth extraction didn't go well, so I was taken by night taxi to a large hospital to have the tooth extracted. There were times when my face became swollen. I don't know if I have been contacted by the major hospital that I wrote the letter of introduction to, but normally they would send me an email about the cleaning when the time comes, but maybe they found out about the results, and I have not heard from them since then... The reviews seem to be good, but I wanted people to know that there was a fact like this, so I decided to post this. P.S. After posting this review, I was able to contact them and receive an explanation of the situation. I received an apology from the large hospital I was referred to for not contacting me, for not being able to see through it, and for not being able to alert them.

  • Michito Hamajima

    Michito Hamajima


    I have experienced a wide range of dentistry in my life, but I couldn't find a better dentist than Nakatomi Dental, so I returned. It takes about 2 hours to go to the dentist, but if you don't take care of your teeth, they will never grow back. Not all doctors have given me thorough explanations, but even if the doctor is different from the last time, they have given me excellent treatment as well. Thank you. I really recommend it!

  • M “d” K

    M “d” K


    He is a very thorough dentist. When you go for a regular checkup, he will compare the current results with photos of your teeth taken previously and tell you in detail how many teeth have improved compared to the last time. We don't just ask you to perform the treatment, but we also explain things in an easy-to-understand manner, such as 〇〇, so we're going to do △ now, so you can leave it to us with confidence. Even though the treatment is covered by the same insurance, there are few hospitals that treat patients with such care. Due to its popularity, reservations are often made first, so we recommend making reservations well in advance!

  • joseph joestar

    joseph joestar


    The receptionist and director are the worst dentists. During the treatment, I was left alone for about 40 minutes. I was told to keep my mouth open, which was painful because I was in the middle of treatment, and my jaw still hurt afterward. The director is very arrogant, and at first glance he seems like he will listen to you kindly, but the treatment is arbitrary and is given without sufficient explanation. A relative of mine also had a difficult time here and was transferred to another hospital. The dental hygienist was kind, but the doctor, receptionist, and especially the director were the worst. I think it's a good idea to think carefully before getting examined here.

  • k S

    k S


    All treatments have been completed and I continue to visit regularly for cleanings. During your regular check-up, your dental hygienist will check and give you advice. If you tell me that there are some areas that I haven't polished, and I try to polish them properly, will I get a score? My mouth has improved and I feel like my mouth is getting better, so I want to do my best until my next checkup. I'm glad I went because the director is conscious about prevention.

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