Nakanishi Dental Clinic in Shinjuku City

JapanNakanishi Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒160-0022 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Shinjuku, 3-chōme−4−1 東新宿ビル みずほ銀行)5F
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3350-5938
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6907062, Longitude: 139.7055186

kommentare 4

  • モフモフ



    I have been working with him for many years, but I have decided not to visit him again because he made a medical mistake in forcibly removing a silver tooth that he himself had filled 3 weeks ago in order to ``replace the old silver tooth.'' I thought I had messed with another tooth, but when I got home and looked in the mirror, I was surprised to see that it was the tooth I had treated three weeks ago. By the way, they didn't contact me until I contacted them the next day (they said they thought it would be a good idea to tell them at the next treatment), and the reasons were just excuses (they didn't look at the medical records, the impressions didn't go well, and they mistook the gaps that were created as deterioration). I didn't feel any sincerity at all. The silver tooth, which had just been treated and was tightly fitted without any wobble, had to be removed by force, and the healthy part of the tooth was ground down, so the area of ​​the silver tooth expanded. You started cutting before the anesthesia had fully taken effect, you talked too fast the whole time, you didn't look at each other, and you actually realized your mistakes from the beginning, right? If they had stopped there, more of the healthy part would have remained, and the tooth wouldn't have been shaved off without the anesthesia working.

  • gg tokyo

    gg tokyo


  • Sanish Maharjan

    Sanish Maharjan


  • Hori



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