Nakamura Dental Clinic w Fukuoka

JaponiaNakamura Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒810-0034 Fukuoka, Chuo Ward, Sasaoka, 1-chōme−31−13 歯医者 歯科医院 セラミック 歯周病 ホワイトニング 矯正 小児歯科 インプラント
kontakt telefon: +81 92-751-7324
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.566366, Longitude: 130.377562

komentarze 3

  • なかうみ



    The hospital was clean and comfortable, and the teachers were very kind. I wasn't very good at dentists, but he listened to me carefully and I was surprised that the anesthesia, which I was afraid of, didn't hurt at all. This is a dentist I want to continue going to for a long time.

  • 西川直登(にっしー)



    I am receiving dental treatment! I felt at ease with the warm customer service from the staff and the accurate and kind explanations from the doctor. Of course, the treatment was painful, but the treatment was successfully completed! I had the impression that I didn't have to go there often, which was great! !

  • akiko fujita

    akiko fujita


    I have been working with you for almost a year. He listens carefully to the patient's condition and situation and provides detailed treatment. We will provide you with easy-to-understand explanations while looking at images, so you can understand the condition of your teeth and the treatment you need. The teachers and staff are very friendly and helpful, so you can feel at ease. The hospital is bright and clean, and infection control measures are in place.

najbliższy Dentysta

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