Nagoya Momoyama Post Office in Nagoya

JapanNagoya Momoyama Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-51 Momoyama, Midori Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 458-0002, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 52-876-7690
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.1044201, Longitude: 136.9914908

kommentare 5

  • HAT



    ordinary post office

  • AK MA

    AK MA


    There were 3 customers, 3 counters, and I thought they would be called right away, but when I left alone, there were only 2 counters, and 10 minutes passed without anyone calling me. I just wanted to buy a New Year's card, but the clerk didn't seem to be interested so I couldn't wait and went home. I've had trouble with Mercari shipping in the past, and even though it says it can be shipped on the post office website, even though I showed them the website on the spot, I had to call somewhere to confirm and had to wait forever, so it's no good here. There are some people who will respond politely to just one person...

  • パクミキョン



    I go there often because it's close to my house, but every time I go I feel sick. It's not good to really respond, and instead of working, you always make people wait. From my point of view, it wasn't a big deal, and when I asked for a quick response, they kept making excuses like there weren't many people working there, but they wouldn't respond. It really sucks. I'm not going from now on

  • 片野かおる



    I was charged extra money to deliver my Mercari product! She was an old woman who couldn't understand!

  • 宮田圭



    The staff is very responsive and I don't have any particular problems, but it's a shame that the ATM is only open until 12:30 on Saturdays, which is why I gave it 2 stars. I always wonder if you could at least open until 5pm. If you pass by at night, you'll be surprised to see people in the dark, probably playing Pokemon.

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