Nagoya City University West Medical Center en Nagoya

JapónNagoya City University West Medical Center



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒462-8508 Aichi, Nagoya, Kita Ward, Hiratechō, 1-chōme−1−1
contactos teléfono: +81 52-991-8121
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.2021053, Longitude: 136.9013259

comentarios 5

  • カズコ



    The doctors in charge of me, including the internal medicine and orthopedics departments here, are all working really hard and are amazing. Although he recently retired from the orthopedic department, Dr. Shimizu and Dr. Asai, who are still busy and working hard, have the trust of their patients, and are busy with surgeries and other things, even though they stay up until late at night. When I'm working, I'm looking at the MRI results of patients scheduled for tomorrow's consultation at night, and if they find a gynecological disease, I have to call them to report it. However, when I received a phone call... As nurses would understand, I thought it was difficult for doctors to contact me while working late into the night. Also, I have one request for Seibu Medical Center. In the internal medicine department, there is Dr. Kikuchi, who is highly trusted by patients and who is extremely busy all day long on days of the week when he sees patients. That teacher is wonderful. There are always patients coming in from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., so people complain about it, but I listen to each patient carefully and take the time to examine them until the end. . The first day was a surprise. From morning until the end of the evening, I was examining patients with only water, no food, and no breaks, so in the evening, I was able to answer my cell phone, speak weakly, and even when I was dizzy, I was able to examine patients. I did. I feel very at ease as I am always treated with such kind and attentive care. I was already looking at it and was worried about it, wondering if it would fall. That's what I thought, so I wish they would treat the teachers with a little more respect. Even if it's just 30 minutes or 15 minutes, please give teachers time to eat a simple nutritious meal along the way! ! Please, please, on behalf of my patient, please (._.)_

  • takeshi0241 nomura

    takeshi0241 nomura


    Both the doctor and nurse in charge will provide you with attentive care. Thanks Added: The rooftop garden on the 4th floor of Hidamari no Oka looks like it would be a nice change of pace. Add photos.

  • Chris D

    Chris D


    While the facility and the staff look new and professional there are a few Doctors who are old and set in their ways. They have horrible bedside manner and quite rude when dealing with patients and do not like to be questioned about their diagnosis or for clarification. The younger doctors are trained a bit better and most do speak some medical English even though they say they don’t because they aren’t conversational. Just hope the younger doctors do not follow the older doctors example tho.

  • Hussien Shrief

    Hussien Shrief



  • Amos Ang

    Amos Ang


    Terrible receptionist service and phone service. Irresponsible. My wife called in to make an appointment for our baby and they said we should just come in and we drove half an hour down to be told we need an appointment. This is not an isolated incident, previously they asked us to wait for our turn, and we waited half an hour only for them to discover they forgot about us. Always ask who is on the phone whenever you call in. Terrible.

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