Nagasaki Harbor Medical Center i Nagasaki

JapanNagasaki Harbor Medical Center



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6-39 Shinchimachi, Nagasaki, 850-0842, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 95-822-3251
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.7398044, Longitude: 129.872465

kommentar 5

  • Daisuki Taiyaki

    Daisuki Taiyaki


    Thank you for your help with my child's letter of introduction. I felt deeply grateful for receiving medical care. Thanks to the doctors at Nagasaki's core hospital, I can live a healthy life. I hope all the teachers stay healthy as well. My child and I are now healthy and will do our best in our respective roles. I hope that teachers can work comfortably as well.

  • 古井容子



    It was a terrible experience. Is this the most cutting-edge hospital in Nagasaki? Who are the nurses? You blurt it out without knowing the patient's background. Are doctors and medical workers any good? I wish we could see them the same way. Please see other reviews. It's only one star.

  • みさき



    Last month, I went to the obstetric department for an emergency at this hospital, gave birth, and my child was admitted to the NICU. I was surprised to see so many other reviews with low ratings. I have used several general hospitals, including those in other prefectures, but at Minato Medical Hospital, everyone from the obstetrics, NICU, and internal medicine doctors to the staff and receptionist were courteous and I was very satisfied with their service. In the first place, when I went to see the doctor late at night for an emergency, the doctor took a long time, but he examined me in detail and I was admitted to the hospital. After that, all the nurses took great care of me every day without making a disgusted face, and I was able to report any abnormalities in the fetal movements, and I was able to give birth safely. I don't know what would have happened to my child if I had been treated poorly at another hospital and was hesitant to call the nurse to complain about the abnormality. I am truly grateful. After that, everyone in the NICU was there for us every day as we were worried about our child's growth, and because the child's growth was good, we were able to leave the hospital earlier than planned. I am truly grateful to this hospital. Thank you for your continued support.

  • Nikky k

    Nikky k


    The types of doctors vary depending on the department. In departments with many doctors, you still have the option to change doctors, but in departments with only one doctor, it's the worst. There is also a pattern in which there is a rapid turnover of nurses due to the attitude of doctors, and there is a pattern in which doctors become quiet due to opposition from nurses. For the elderly, this is the only place for them, so no matter what kind of treatment they receive, they have no choice but to put up with it, or rather, remain silent...Even when I go with them, they are too old to be very particular about it. . . I wanted to go somewhere else, and when I asked if I could go, they said no. Don't think I'll just ask you to say yes quietly all the time. The staff at the outpatient reception desk were wonderful. The response from the person at the counter taking the payment was bad.

  • ここ



    I was hospitalized here once, and now I go to the hospital regularly. Most of the nurses in the inpatient ward were kind and cheerful, but I got the impression that the nurses in the outpatient department were more depressed. Especially regarding the obstetrics and gynecology department, both the doctors and nurses were unfriendly, and I have decided never to go to the obstetrics and gynecology department here again. The receptionist at the outpatient clinic was normal.

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