Nagaoka Kojimaya Niigata Isetan 7F i Niigata

JapanNagaoka Kojimaya Niigata Isetan 7F



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Japan, 〒950-0909 Niigata, Chuo Ward, Yachiyo, 1-chōme−6−1 7F
kontakter telefon: +81 25-290-4415
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.9154222, Longitude: 139.0546869

kommentar 5

  • Tsunderin !

    Tsunderin !


    Visited this store as it was a recommendation from the hotel staff. Was slightly sceptical as it's inside the Isetan. However the food was incredible. I ordered the Hegi soba and seasonal mushrooms(their special set) which was smooth and chewy, what good soba should be. The mushroom broth was intense and jam packed with umami, although a little on the sour side. But this is more of a personal preference thing.

  • Kevin KW

    Kevin KW


    Came here for dinner as I was looking to try some local food. Was recommended Hegi soba , so I came here to enjoy it along with the other item that looks like a croquette (forgot the name) The hegi soba was slightly hard and but the soba broth wasn’t too strong. I really like the fried croquette though that was much better Overall nice service here and really like to try local foods when visiting places

  • Joanne Kok

    Joanne Kok


    Had the smaller hegisoba and tonkatsu set which was the best of both worlds, getting to try best of 2 dishes in niigata. Friend tried the hot soba & broth was nice too.

  • Jonathan Lai

    Jonathan Lai


    A lady working at GAP recommended this place. So thankful she did, the Hegi Soba here was really good

  • Tammy Wong

    Tammy Wong


    Super patient and friendly staff! Hegi-Soba is a local specialty not to be missed. Chewier with a lovely texture. The tempura was done very well too. Located conveniently in Isetan opposite Bandai Silver Hotel.

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