Naganoshi No Shika in Nagano

JapanNaganoshi No Shika



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-12-4 Minamichitose, Nagano, 380-0823, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 26-226-5228
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.6473576, Longitude: 138.1913371

kommentare 5

  • at.



    I had a false tooth made by another dentist more than 20 years ago, and I had this doctor redo it beautifully. He listens carefully to what I have to say and tells me to make sure that I am satisfied with what I have to say. He is polite and has solid skills. Recommended!

  • もぐもぐ



    It was my first time visiting. What does it mean that I have already filled out the medical questionnaire? I was asked. When I started talking with confusion, the male teacher said something to me in a harsh tone. Honestly, it was very scary. I will never go there again.

  • にゃーやまにゃるこ



    I am grateful to the director of this school for his help. I had almost given up on getting a crown treatment for my front tooth because I had to travel a lot for work and it was difficult to go to the clinic. ...He healed very nicely! I think there is no doubt that he has a reputation for being good. I'm glad you were able to get treatment! Thank you very much. (He also used a rubber dam) There are many other areas that I would like to have fixed, and I regret not being able to make the next appointment due to work. (I would appreciate it if you could make a reservation again...) The receptionists were also very friendly and pleasant, and my image of dentistry has changed.

  • 鳥ずし



    I came to the hospital for the first time today. First of all, the people at the reception were bright and had a nice atmosphere, which made me feel at ease. CT scans and X-rays showed that the tooth I was concerned about did not have deep cavities. Even the fillings that had fallen off were carefully filled in by the teacher. I'm glad that you took the time to clean your teeth and that they are now clean. I will try to put into practice what I learned during the brushing instruction (brushing with a surface, rinsing the mouth, etc.) If you ever need a cavity or root canal treatment again, please feel free to contact us.

  • Marcelina Swadzb

    Marcelina Swadzb


    Had root canal treatment in this clinic. Highly recommended! Doctor was great, very friendly and speaking little bit English which was very helpful. Generally servis was great. Everything was done in 2 appointments where second one was only 30 minutes. Accepting japanese health insurance so everything turned out very cheap.

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