Nagahama Coffee i Akita

JapanNagahama Coffee



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Kondōsekigoshi-61-2 Hiroomote, Akita, 010-0041, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 18-834-8125
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.7298494, Longitude: 140.1462984

kommentar 5

  • 秋田食べ日記



    [Akita City/Nagahama Coffee Hiromen Store] shaved ice espresso (with mascarpone gelato) 790 yen 2024.7.28 Mainly developed in Akita Prefecture Nagahama coffee, Only Hiromen store in Akita city Apparently they started making shaved ice. Shaved ice with ginger lemon Two types of espresso. The shaved ice has a soft texture. As I continue to eat The second half has a bitter espresso feel. Because it will become stronger When eaten with gelato I thought it would look just right!

  • まつめぐ



    I went around 8:30 on a weekday. Half of the seats were already occupied. I received a morning set. Refills of Nagahama coffee included in the set are OK. The staff were all very nice and the food was delicious, so I ended up drinking a lot of coffee.

  • sen 59

    sen 59


    I visited during my afternoon coffee break. I ordered the cake set upgraded to specialty coffee. Today's specialty coffee comes in both dark roast and extra dark roast, with a mellow bitterness. A coffee with a flowery aroma and orange acidity that has a pleasant texture and a long-lasting coffee flavor. The competition special coffee was a coffee with a chocolate-like flavor and citrus acidity. For the cake, I chose Sakura cake and Cheese Clafoutis, both were delicious. Hiromen store is Nagahama Coffee's first store, which opened in 1996. The staff kindly explained about the coffee and cakes, and we had a pleasant and delicious time in the calm shop. 01.May.2024.Visit

  • 安部ノライルダ



    Unlike most cafeterias, Nagahama's cake sizes are just right..

  • Quizas Sasaki

    Quizas Sasaki


    Good です❗入ったら納得です❕

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