母乳育児相談室きらきら w Niigata




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒950-3327 Niigata, Kita Ward, Isurugi, 1-chōme−15−3
kontakt telefon: +81 25-290-7807
strona internetowej: www.kirakira-niigata.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.9207754, Longitude: 139.2141205

komentarze 2

  • くたねこ



    Thank you for taking care of me after giving birth. At first, my milk wasn't coming in so I had to suck it up, but when I started getting too much milk, I asked for help. I'm the type of person who starts producing food as soon as I take something in. If I eat something even though I'm hungry, I'll produce more and more food, and eventually I'll end up overflowing... If I try to eat even a little bit of fried food or high-calorie food, I'll get stuffed up. I got really stiff...it hurt and it was very difficult. (Some people even get fevers if it gets really bad.) So I kept losing weight. As I was taught, the color of breast milk did change depending on the food. If you eat natural foods, your breasts will be white and smooth... Breast milk is blood, after all. Eating food that turns you into a bloody mess is bound to leave you feeling stuffed up. Even though I was careful, I got stuck. It may be a little embarrassing at first, but it will be easier, so I recommend massaging both those who don't come out or those who come out too much. It's okay to bring children, so I went with my children.

  • rie ishikawa

    rie ishikawa


    This is the Oketani style breast milk consultation room. It is an ally for mothers who are working hard to raise their children with breast milk. I was able to resume breastfeeding with breast massage. The first time is 5000 yen, the second time is 3500 yen. They also make house calls. Mothers who are worried about their breasts should definitely give it a try.

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