Muraoka Dental Clinic in Himeji

JapanMuraoka Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Miyada-222 Katsuharaku, Himeji, Hyogo 671-1213, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 79-271-0871
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.8079129, Longitude: 134.5970109

kommentare 5

  • 討伐あざらし



    Just a badass doctor. The intelligence of the person at the reception is over. I think people with disabilities are employed.

  • たては



    Dentist you never want to go to again Just remembering it makes me angry There is no explanation of what kind of condition there is and what kind of treatment is available. Treatment was proceeded without permission and appointments were made once a week, but I had to remove the temporary lid and have it filled again for several weeks. Even if I wanted to talk to him, he would leave right away, so when the doctor came, I took the plunge and asked him to explain to me what kind of treatment he is currently giving me... "I didn't give unnecessary treatment! If you look it up on the internet, it's the right number of treatments," he said, furiously. First of all, I haven't received any explanation. I plan to explain it every time after that! I can't tell you what will happen next! He got angry and kept making excuses, and there was no apology. In the end, I was treated like a complicated person and was treated with anger by other staff members. There are examination rooms numbered 1 to 7, but the numbers cannot be seen from the waiting room. There is no information display There is a sink where you can brush your teeth, but it is difficult to use because there is a waiting room right next to it.I think the facility was designed without considering the feelings of the patients.

  • mama positive

    mama positive


    It has been newly moved and the inside is white and clean. The doctors and dental assistants are kind and polite, and the clinic is always crowded.

  • T M

    T M


    Recently moved to a new store. It is the latest equipment. We also have good measures against infectious diseases. The doctor also communicates well with the patient.

  • Dai White

    Dai White


    At my first visit, I asked for cavities to be treated, but I was told that the next treatment wouldn't be removed until 3 weeks later, so I had to wait nearly 3 weeks for a temporary filling. I felt a sense of disbelief when I was told that my next appointment would not be available for more than half a month, so I looked for another dentist the same day. The number of cavities and cavities-prone teeth checked at the first visit was different in number and location at another dentist I visited on the same day. After cavities treatment was completed, cavities recurred in the treated teeth about 3 months later. I was suffering from severe pain and insomnia. I will never go again and I do not recommend it to anyone.

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