MUFG Bank Toyohashi Branch in Toyohashi

JapanMUFG Bank Toyohashi Branch



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3-chōme-63 Ekimae Ōdōri, Toyohashi, Aichi 440-0888, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 570-018-016
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.762467, Longitude: 137.3894049

kommentare 5

  • joys ben

    joys ben


    I have no complaints about the counter staff or the store's response. However, the process takes quite a while, and I felt uncomfortable when I saw about 3 elderly customers yelling in the waiting room. I didn't see any young employees working at the counter, probably because of the aging population. I wouldn't complain if the waiting time was a little earlier.

  • 俊晴小池



    I visited with tax payment. The bank employee at the ticket issuing machine recommended that I pay using the machine, and with careful explanations, the process went very smoothly. thank you very much. Also, someone wrote in a review that the parking ticket service was only available at the counter, but someone who explained how to operate the machine was able to issue a coupon for me. I was glad that I was able to get a ticket that gave me a little more time and was able to take a short walk around the nostalgic town of Toyohashi. thank you very much.

  • 小林孝誌



    There are so many customers entering the store that it is crowded. Even in the midst of their busy schedules, there are appropriate and considerate messages from staff. As expected, the level is high. It is better to set a somewhat longer time. You can enter and exit the parking lot from two directions. If you use an ATM for just a few minutes, you can use it for free. If it takes a little longer at the counter, just ask a bank employee and they will give you a free 30-minute ticket. Please use it.

  • へのへのもへコ



    The second parking lot on the west side of the store was full and while we were waiting for space to open, an elderly couple with their grandmother driving the car tried to force their way onto the road on the streetcar side. Even though there is a traffic jam near the entrance because of this person, they act like they're not saying what's wrong. There was no sign of him retreating, so I had no choice but to move my car to let this person pass, but there were so many cars on the road that I could only move a little to ensure my own safety and to look at the situation around me. The car was a small light truck, so there should have been enough space for this person to pass, but perhaps he didn't know the width of the car, so he couldn't. At the end, this person backed up a little bit into the pedestrian path, so when I passed by to enter the parking lot first, I saw the old lady's face, but she didn't lower her head and instead looked at me like, "Why aren't you backing away?" He was glaring at me with a terrible look on his face. I wish they would put a big sign on the wall of this parking lot that says ``One-way exit →'' so that even this elderly person can understand. If you go after 3:00 pm, there will be a lot of people, especially on the tram side. There were many cars parked on the street in front of the store that appeared to be going to the ATM without even entering the parking lot. Sometimes I can't tell if it's a car parked on the street or someone waiting to enter the parking lot. When I went to the ATM corner on the morning of September 20th, there was a line. There used to be about 10 ATMs, but now there are only 5, and 2 of them are out of service due to inspection. Actually only 3 machines are in operation. When it's your turn to do something that takes time, such as making a transfer or making a transfer, if there are people waiting behind you, you'll feel reluctant to do something that takes time, and it's hard to do it in a rush. After a while, the inspection was completed and it was ready for use, but the line was still long. Even though the number of cashless people is increasing, I still want to have money, and I am definitely a cash person. I would like to see more ATM machines.

  • タコ丸JAPAN



    I found someone who parked their car in the middle of the paid parking lot next to it facing in a different direction and parked it for free no matter how long they were there. I don't think he's good as a person, but I hope he improves. Added June 5, 2023 The paid parking lot next to the store had been renovated, but when I visited today, I happened to find someone parking in a different spot than the original parking spot and entering the store, so I took a photo. I think it's habitual because I stopped without hesitation. I think it's free for up to 15 minutes. I don't understand why they parked like this even though they left the parking lot in about 5 minutes.

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