MUFG Bank, Saiin Branch i 京都市

JapanMUFG Bank, Saiin Branch



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Japan, 〒615-0012 京都府京都市右京区西院高山寺町9
kontakter telefon: +81 570-018-016
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.003369, Longitude: 135.73233

kommentar 5

  • cash che

    cash che


    Poor service, unfriendly to foreigners, you can’t get an account unless you can speak influence Japanese. Even if you have an Interpreter, they will refuse your applications. If you don't speak Japanese well, you won't be able to open an account, and you won't be able to get a translator.

  • 松下典敬



    The parking lot is not adjacent to the store, which is a bit of a hassle. And when you enter the store to get a parking ticket after parking in the parking lot, there are 5-6 ATM machines and it's a hassle to have to go up to the second floor to get a free parking ticket. Today, I parked my car, operated the ATM, returned to the parking lot in about 3 minutes, pressed the parking button, and it displayed 600 yen, so I got a free ticket at the reception on the second floor and went back to the parking lot. It's a hassle to go by car anyway. In the past, there was an ATM on the corner of Kasuga Nanajo, which was very useful, but I am now thinking of changing my bank as I can see that cutting costs comes first and customers come second. Fortunately, Kyoto has powerful regional banks and credit unions, so there may be no inconvenience.

  • 恐竜戦車



    It seemed like there were a lot of bright, able-bodied women here, and the service was good.




    I stopped by for a counter item that didn't require a reservation. The bank was small and had the feel of a government office, with no tension typical of banks. Even though it is in Saiin, there is ample parking available which is good.

  • kohei takeshita

    kohei takeshita


    I came because of various reasons. I made a reservation in advance. I also received a phone call before making the reservation. Although the level of the counter staff had declined, she was able to handle the situation well.

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