Ms.BUNNY w Minato-ku




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Japan, 〒106-0032 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, 港区Roppongi, 6 Chome−6−7−2 岩堀ビル 3F
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3404-1182
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 35.661911, Longitude: 139.731918

komentarze 5

  • en

    John N


    Great place to see hedgehogs but it's sad to see them cage up.

  • en

    Jennifer Newman


    Such a horrible experience. Very overpriced; for ex a little handful of bunny feed likely worth 1 yen was priced at 540 yen. For half an hour it cost 3500 yen for 2 of us. Both animals I held bit me numerous times and did not want to be held; it was stressful for myself and the animal! No drinks were served, it felt like we were sitting in a small pet shop. Do not waste your money here!!!

  • Sylvie Chang

    Sylvie Chang


    Worst animal cafe I have ever been to. Bunnies, and hedgehogs are extremely stressed! One of the bunny was so stress that he lost all the hair behind his neck. Chinchillas would do anything to run away from human hands. I even witnessed a staff dropping a bunny on the floor by accident...

  • Xavier Torrent Gorjón

    Xavier Torrent Gorjón


    A little on the pricey side, but a good option to bring kids or if you really, really like rabbits, hedgehogs or chinchillas. Prices go in half an hour slots and you can pet two animals per slot. You can also feed them for an extra fee. There is no option to have drinks yourself like in similar cat cafes.

  • en

    Annabelle Dipple


    I absolutely loved this cafe! I can't remember the exact price, I think it might have been just under 1500 yen per person for and hour. You pay and staff give you a finish time, you choose your animals and you're given a little blanket to put on your lap and then the staff member gives you your chosen cutie. You pay for the animal food and it's worth it because the animal loves it! Rabbits, chinchillas and hedgehogs available in cages. I chose the half an hour but could have definitely stayed for an hour. The staff were really friendly to everyone even though it was quite busy. I think the cafe can only have about 9 people at a time but worth the wait when you get cute cuddles!

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