Morinomebukitamagosha Aishima Honten w Natori

JaponiaMorinomebukitamagosha Aishima Honten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Uwadaira-88-3 Medeshimakasashima, Natori, Miyagi 981-1238, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 22-381-0095
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Latitude: 38.1470259, Longitude: 140.8487991

komentarze 5

  • AI



    It's a beautiful building with a spacious parking lot. I went on a Sunday at 12:00 and was able to sit down without waiting. It's stylish with a fireplace. There was rice and dessert, so it was fulfilling. The clerk was also kind.

  • Chabo



    I visited for the first time because I heard that my favorite pancakes from the Zao main store are also available at the Aijima store. You can get a salad, a small dessert, and a drink for 657 yen, so I got the pancake and its set. For some reason, the pancakes seem to be a little smaller than the Zao main store. I was a little nervous, but the taste was the same, so I enjoyed it! There wasn't much coffee, so it would have been nice to have a bigger cup. On the way home, I also bought some eggs and kusa mochi at the store.

  • 高橋由絵



    I went for lunch at my son's request ☺️ The food comparison set and omelet rice were delicious 🙇 When I ordered a second helping of rice, I was able to get a second helping of eggs as well, and the service was good. I would like to try dessert someday 💕

  • とうげ苺



    We recommend the egg-cooked rice tasting set for 750 yen! ! It's a little expensive, but I think the quality is acceptable for TKG enthusiasts.

  • さくら ねこ

    さくら ねこ


    The food tasted even better in a space with a calm and cute atmosphere. For the lunch set, my elementary school male grandchild ordered the slightly more filling omelet rice and hamburger set, and my female grandchild and I ordered the ladies' omelet rice set. For drinks, my grandchildren chose 🍎juice and I chose ☕. The melty omelette rice is The taste of butter when you take a bite But it spread all over my mouth. The colorful arrangement will stimulate your appetite. It also came up. I was also impressed with the staff's response. I had it. My grandchildren enjoyed it too! that's right. Next time, I will return for dessert. It's been a while since I last heard from you. This time, it was afternoon tea time, so my grandson had French toast for 946 yen, and I had anmitsu with shiratama dango. I ordered (Shiratama Kororin) 792 yen. I offered my grandson a drink, but he seemed to be concerned about my wallet and refrained from just having French toast. Given the time of day, there were quite a few seats available, so I was able to relax. The staff were very pleasant. On the way home, I bought pudding and roll cakes as souvenirs, but I was acutely aware of the high prices.

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