Morino Dental Clinic in Kumamoto

JapanMorino Dental Clinic



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2-chōme-1-82 Ikeda, Nishi Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0082, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 96-352-8241
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.8266678, Longitude: 130.7083747

kommentare 5

  • いづのり



    I was nervous when I went to the dentist because I don't like dentists, but they provided very thorough explanations and treatment. I am very satisfied that I was able to complete everything from cleaning to checking and treating periodontal disease and cavities in just one visit. thank you very much!

  • ai



    I went to many dentists around Ikeda, Kyomachi, and Kamikumamoto, and I decided to go to this hospital. The receptionist is kind and the doctor doesn't do anything unreasonable and you can trust him. They also provide childcare if you make a reservation, so it's convenient for parents and children to go together.

  • きんに



    I went without an appointment at first, but they examined me properly. All the staff are also kind.

  • ane Mele

    ane Mele


    A few years ago, I had a toothache and went in for treatment, and even though it took about two hours to do various checks, I was told that I had tooth sensitivity. After that, the pain only increased. Even if I called and asked for something to be done the next day, they insisted on coming 3 or 4 days later on the scheduled date. I couldn't take it anymore, so I went to another dentist nearby who had been there for a long time, and within 5 minutes they told me it was a cavity, and after treatment it was cured. I felt like they were focusing on cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics. Even if I made a reservation, the waiting time was long, so I won't go there again.

  • Hime Nemuri

    Hime Nemuri


    The reception staff and dental assistants are very responsive. The interior is very relaxing, rather than the inorganic interior that is common at dentists. We always have a lot of patients, and I think we are a popular dentist in the local area. He will give you proper advice and talk about your future treatment, so your anxiety will be relieved. It doesn't matter if the response or treatment is good or bad, but there are many beautiful women!

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