Mori Dental Clinic w Hamamatsu

JaponiaMori Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2296 Aritama Minamimachi, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-3122, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 53-479-0019
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7476214, Longitude: 137.7498075

komentarze 5

  • Jade Sanefuji

    Jade Sanefuji


    EDIT(Today's review)📝 I had my tooth treated for cavities today. The doctor explained step by step during the treatment and was very good at it! The first time I went there, I had an unfortunate incident with the receptionist, but this time the teacher apologized and the staff treated me politely. I'm glad I went to this clinic. (Previous review) I went to get it cleaned. The dentist was kind, but I think the receptionist was very rude. I don't know if they're angry or xenophobic, but I'm depressed.

  • JJ



    During dental treatment, the dental assistant's vacuum (a machine that sucks up saliva and water) is not very efficient, and even if water forms in your mouth, it won't be sucked in for a while, making you feel uncomfortable. I wish there were more assistants who could think about things like that from the patient's perspective.

  • 渡瀬裕恒



    There was no waiting time and everything was done in a thorough and thorough manner.

  • マリス



    I think it's good that they treat you carefully and answer any questions you may have regarding the condition of the affected area.

  • よし



    I went there for dental treatment. The teachers and staff were kind and courteous.

najbliższy Dentysta

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