Mooon in Riverwalk i Kitakyushu

JapanMooon in Riverwalk



🕗 åbningstider

1F, 1-chōme-1-1 Muromachi, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 803-0812, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 93-953-7673
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8858856, Longitude: 130.8751549

kommentar 5




    I had strawberry cheese and banana juice! The amount is very satisfying belly bread I would be happy if the taste was a little more cheesy!

  • Saya k

    Saya k


    In late August, I had Momo Parfait at the eat-in corner. It was very filling and the fruit and ice cream were delicious. I think this is cheap for 1000 yen. I also bought three types of grapes with lots of fruit on them and they were all very delicious♪ The store explained how to buy various products, was very helpful, and makes me want to come back again.

  • Linh Ta

    Linh Ta


    The attitude of the clerk is somewhat rude (maybe because I am not Japanese and cannot speak Japanese fluently), and the price is high. I think I will not come here anymore.

  • Y M

    Y M


    It's a shame that the inside of the store is not calm at all. The music is loud, the voices echo, and it's a lonely restaurant-like structure, not an atmosphere where you can relax and have a cup of tea with friends. The price of parfait is quite expensive ^^; However, it is much cheaper and delicious than a certain high-end restaurant in Fukuoka City.

  • Douglas Picken

    Douglas Picken


    good crepe but took over 30 minutes to arrive. ended up having to rush our food which was a shame

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