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Japan, 〒700-0024 Okayama, Kita Ward, Ekimotomachi, 1−5 2F
contactos teléfono: +81 86-225-2020
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Latitude: 34.664033, Longitude: 133.9173702

comentarios 5

  • kazuya



    There are many good places, but it's clean and beautiful, the dental hygienist is polite, the equipment is well-equipped, and it's reliable. I've been going here for over 10 years.

  • 東雲一軒家



    I deeply regret going there. Make time in your busy schedule to see a doctor. The first time was just a test and no treatment. It was just an expensive test. Why not treat it from the beginning? People who don't have time can't go to the hospital that often. When I asked him if he wasn't going to have treatment today, he said he didn't have time today. (Why did you make an appointment?) As a result of your visit, my tooth deteriorated and I was rushed to another hospital. Totally wasted time and money. Dentists tend to prolong treatment no matter how big or small, and this was the worst I've ever had. I really regret going here.

  • ららモカ



    I've been going here for about 10 years. I was introduced to this clinic by a university hospital for implant surgery. I had an implant placed on my previous tooth, and it looks beautiful and I'm happy with it. The teachers and staff are very kind and explain everything well, so even if you are scared, you can come here with peace of mind. Since I started going there, I have heard from friends that the teachers and staff at other dental clinics are also coming here for treatment. it's recommended

  • イデアフリー



    worst. Worst dentist I will never go to again! When I went to another dentist who had left 4 cavities untreated for a year, I was asked why they had left them for so long. What does it mean to go to Momo Dental without fail? Is it a strategy to leave it alone and get an implant? I think it's intentional since there were other similar posts. Is it more profitable to get implants? I don't think a normal dentist would be able to support that many people in such a location. It would be better if you don't go there.

  • しいたけ



    This is a terrible dental clinic. First, during a regular check-up, I had the dentist take a look at the cavity in the tooth, which had been replaced with a silver tooth after removing the nerve, and was told, ``The cavity is still small, so let's wait and see,'' and the tooth was left alone for a year. No matter how many times I asked for treatment, he wouldn't give me any treatment, so I had no choice but to go to another dentist, only to find out that my tooth had become so large that I lost most of my teeth under the silver tooth. In addition, the medicine had not gone all the way to the root where the nerve treatment had been done, and there were some gaps, so I had the dentist I'm currently attending redo it. All four treated teeth are in the same condition (I checked the X-rays, so I'm sure). Just to be sure, I went to Okayama University for a second opinion before the treatment, explained the situation, and had all my teeth looked at, and they said, ``It's hard to say, but all the dental treatments are rough.'' In addition to these four teeth, I also had a tooth that had over 30,000 treatments done without it being covered by insurance, and after about a year and a half there was a gap in the area where it was filled.When I told them that it was getting worse too quickly, they said, I was told that Mr. ◯◯'s teeth may be of poor quality.'' This treatment was carried out by a veteran doctor from Okayama University at Momotaro Clinic, and all of the dental assistants were unreliable young women, and regular checkups were completely unreliable. The treatment is either poor or sloppy, so it may be okay for small cavities, but even if you get root treatment or treatment not covered by insurance, you will end up being pitied by the doctors at Okayama University and other dentists like me. . No matter what happens, I never want to go here again.

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