Momi No Yu Cafe i Taitō-ku

JapanMomi No Yu Cafe



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Japan, 〒110-0005 Tōkyō-to, Taitō-ku, Ueno, 4 Chome−5−2
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5817-4147
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.7087381, Longitude: 139.7736946

kommentar 5

  • Sara Hearn

    Sara Hearn


    Great stop for weary travellers who need some remedial footwork.

  • An Nguyen

    An Nguyen


    The place tucked in a side street of the popular shopping district of Ameyoko. This small cafe is unique in its no shoe policy but also mandatory rolling up your pants to dip your feet into the footbath underneath the counter you sit. This place has a wide range or teas and some good curry food. You also get a small massage as well. Great place for a lazy Sunday afternoon.

  • Neng Laura

    Neng Laura


    Checking this place coz my feet was sore like crazy. Its a cozy place warm place, the feet bath water is from a natural spring & for ¥ 1045 you can sit & soak your feet for 45 min + a free drink of your choice from the menu & a quick 5 min back massage. The staff can speak English & there are English info too. I made an appointment for a 30 min reflexology session & it was good. Their treatment is based on Ayurveda.

  • Serena C

    Serena C


    1080 yen get you a relaxation with herbal tea and 45mins foot hot bath, my friend and I find it a truly hidden gem for our shopping day!!

  • Ángel Galdón Rodríguez

    Ángel Galdón Rodríguez


    For its price stopping here is totally worth it. We had a 45 minute feet bath. They bring you a drink and you have magazines. Some members of the staff speak fluent English. It's amazing after a long day walking.

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