Mizuma Post Office in Kurume

JapanMizuma Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2978-5 Mizumamachi Tamamitsu, Kurume, Fukuoka 830-0199, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 942-64-2042
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.2534856, Longitude: 130.46397

kommentare 5

  • 浩一



    Notification of delivery completion even though the delivery has not even been made. This is already the second time. Quite messy. Awareness is too low. Sometimes the mail doesn't arrive and I have to have it resent. The express delivery that was supposed to arrive last week still hasn't arrived. No one answers when I call. It's too cruel.

  • もちこ



    (postscript) No matter how many times I tell them, they violently put it in the mailbox. The container I was wearing broke. I'm really angry. I don't want to give even one star. Folding is strictly prohibited.Do not fold it because it will not fit documents that will not come out. It's fine, but it feels like I'm crushing it You can put it in with a gussher. Then, as I was putting it in, I said, ``This is getting frustrating.'' I will be muttered. I'm hungry. I found a man who didn't answer anything when I called him. It's not getting across. If you don't like delivering, shouldn't you just quit?

  • 竜


    A delivery van crashed into me on a narrow road and it was dangerous. It's around 7pm.

  • 野球大魔王



    Even though I specified a time, I showed up early and I wasn't at work, so there's no way I could pick it up. There is no point in specifying the time.

  • たかたしんご



    passing by

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