みずほ銀行 足利支店 en Ashikaga

Japónみずほ銀行 足利支店



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒326-0814 Tochigi, Ashikaga, Tōri, 2-chōme−12−20
contactos teléfono: +81 284-21-1181
sitio web: shop.www.mizuhobank.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.3346916, Longitude: 139.4504609

comentarios 5

  • windjacker



    There are many ATMs, but there are many customers and the counters are crowded. Parking lot is also difficult to use. Even though I had debt, I was operating it stably with all ➕, but the mortgage was paid off at the door. However, I highly recommend investing.

  • 未知



    One of the main banks. Free parking is available behind the bank. However, it is narrow so parking requires some skill.

  • yoshi aki

    yoshi aki


    There is a free parking lot behind the store. Free parking is available on the ground and in the tower. There are 2 patterns. The flat parking lot accommodates about 6 cars.

  • e m

    e m


    A few years ago, I had to create a new passbook for work, so I visited this store. I have to fill out various documents when creating a passbook. Among them was the “saved amount.” The bank staff laughed at me because the amount I had written was so low. It was very unpleasant. Because each person has their own circumstances. Isn't it funny to laugh out loud? The company gave me two options: I should have opened a passbook with either Mizuho Bank or another bank, so I chose another bank. I regret that I should have chosen it. I didn't have time to submit it to the company, so I'm using it as is...

  • 宮原 素美

    宮原 素美


    I came to the bank for a simple procedure, but I was more disappointed than angry at the dishonesty of the bank staff. I canceled all transactions on the spot and transferred them to another bank. I'm not saying that the branch manager should be sent, but I think the idea would be for him to come voluntarily and apologize. No matter what, I'll never set foot there again. Originally it would be 0 stars. Mizuho in Tokyo was very kind, so when I came here I was surprised at the difference in the way they treated me. There were only a few counters and other customers had to stand and wait. Even though it was in full view, the bank employees were laughing and talking privately. impossible. I feel bad every time I walk past it. I went to a local bank to transfer money, but the response was completely different and I was relieved. The head office is extremely negligent when it comes to personnel failures at ATMs. I definitely do not recommend it to anyone.

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