みずほ銀行 旭川支店 in Asahikawa

Japanみずほ銀行 旭川支店



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒070-8691 Hokkaido, Asahikawa, 4 Jōdōri, 9-左9−1
kontakte telefon: +81 166-23-6171
webseite: shop.www.mizuhobank.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.7682397, Longitude: 142.3638311

kommentare 5

  • K i

    K i


    It lacks recognition as Asahikawa's only city bank. My family has to open an account with a city bank for some reason, and when I ask to open an account, I am refused and the reason is not given to me.

  • T



    My daughter was assigned a Mizuho Bank account for employment purposes, so she received the coronavirus vaccine. Since I was back, I visited the bank. However, it is not possible unless you make a reservation. Even though I had to pay for the bus, I went all the way. I couldn't even accept it. I don't have time Since I am a student, I have not changed my address. It can only be made in Asahikawa. I ran out of time and couldn't make it. I understand about coronavirus countermeasures. I don't quite understand it.

  • うかいみゆき



    A nice bank that always picks up trash and washes the roads with water.

  • T



    Asahikawa's only city bank. It's convenient to have an usher, but even when there aren't many customers, the work behind the counter is really slow! For several years now, there has been a fee charged for depositing money into your bankbook on days other than weekdays 💀 Fees are normal for transfers and withdrawals, but it's hard to believe that you'll have to deposit the money. I don't use it mainly now, but every year there is a money laundering prevention investigation. Every time I answer the question, I think that my balance is low even though I only use it for tax deductions. The parking lot is small and there is a lot of traffic, so it is difficult to get out, and there is also street parking. The only good thing is that you can get new bills when you exchange money at an ATM, which you can't do without a Mizuho card. Thank you for your help as a New Year's gift.

  • ともちゃん



    Unlike other financial institutions, there is a floor guide who will kindly explain things you don't understand 🍀 There are many ATMs and you can use US dollars ☺ You can also use the clean restrooms ❗ The parking lot is small, however. , it's difficult to get in and out ☺

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