みずほ銀行 明石支店 i Akashi

Japanみずほ銀行 明石支店



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-5-1 Ōakashichō, Akashi, Hyogo 673-0891, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 78-911-0133
internet side: shop.www.mizuhobank.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6480099, Longitude: 134.9933093

kommentar 5

  • シャドウシャドー



    Mizuho Bank lottery office.

  • K G

    K G


    I put my mother in a nursing care facility, so I went to change her address, but she told me to bring her in! That's what I mean! I'm bedridden, so you're here to replace me? Even if you're on the phone, make sure you answer the phone! One point! It's the worst bank. Why doesn't the Financial Services Agency go bankrupt? Even though it's a bank that does no harm and no profit?

  • kaabee



    Worst response from both the counter and the person in charge. Although it was a last-minute call just before 3:00 p.m., the counter seemed to be able to help, so I proceeded with the procedure. After about 20 to 30 minutes, the person in charge came out and turned me away. The reason given is, ``We will apologize to the customer if we are unable to provide information by the time when processing is possible (5:00 p.m.).'' Even when I told him, ``Even if it might not be possible in the end, I'll wait because I only have time today,'' he said, ``I'm in trouble (bitter smile).'' Until the end, the one point that bothers me is that it seems to be dealing with complaints, and the bitter smile that seems to be telling me that it's worse to come right before closing time and that I should go home early is really unpleasant. Some customers have made reservations with complicated details as a reason for their return, so why do I have to go out of my way to tell them? If it doesn't seem like the processing will be done in time, that's probably the reason...? Instead of blaming the customer. You probably thought another naive young man had arrived, right? All I could think was that they were playing it backwards until the end.

  • 金子幸嗣



    Very convenient location. It's right in front of the station.

  • Gregory Tada

    Gregory Tada


    My Japanese is still a bit rough, but the staff here were so helpful. I really appreciate all of their assistance!!!

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