みずほ銀行 豊橋支店 w Toyohashi

Japoniaみずほ銀行 豊橋支店



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-39 Hirokōji, Toyohashi, Aichi 440-0881, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 532-55-1511
strona internetowej: shop.www.mizuhobank.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.764135, Longitude: 137.383469

komentarze 5

  • 宝ヒロ(Hirosan)



    The first time I opened a salary transfer account after entering the workforce was Mizuho's predecessor, Daiichi Kangyo Bank. Since then, we have been working with you for many years. Since it is a mega bank, you can manage your money on your smartphone, and even if you forget the withdrawal date, you can make a withdrawal even if you make a deposit on the same day, so we have services that other stores do not have. hey. Also, compared to other mega banks, transfer fees to other banks are much lower. I don't know why. For me, it's a bank that I can trust.

  • 田村和也



    700 million yen thank you.

  • インコのコッコ



    Perhaps because the bustle in front of the station had disappeared, the inside of the store was empty. Tokyo banks have floor ladies and floor ladies who go to elderly people who are confused about the number plate issuing machine and ask them about their requirements, so there is no need to cause traffic jams for elderly people at the counters. The problem with this branch is that there is no parking lot. If you declare it at the counter, you will be given a ticket for a nearby parking lot, but if you do not declare it, you will be ignored, so be careful.

  • A __

    A __


    Why not change from normal to regular during the procedure? The person who came to give an explanation. His voice was so low that I couldn't understand what he said. what? I asked her back, but I couldn't hear what she was saying, so I declined. Isn't it loud?

  • ぽぽよん



    The person in charge was a woman who responded mechanically. I opened an account, but is it a unique service? There were so many things I didn't understand, and even when I asked questions, I felt like they just moved on, so it was hard to understand. It was around the time the store was closing, but there were still customers in the store who hadn't finished in time. I also found it strange that the bank staff at the counter suddenly started chatting happily at 3:00 p.m.

najbliższy Bank

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