みずほ銀行 倉敷支店 w Kurashiki

Japoniaみずほ銀行 倉敷支店



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-7-2-107 Achi, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0055, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 86-422-4545
strona internetowej: shop.www.mizuhobank.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6008727, Longitude: 133.7658345

komentarze 5

  • 尾崎寛太



    Mizuho Bank has a lot of problems, but I think the branch is not overcrowded and is polite. I feel like the process could be simplified and speeded up a little more.

  • kumorim



    I would like to see more branches and ATMs. I came to Okayama/Kurashiki from Tokyo and was in despair.

  • 129 Okb

    129 Okb


    I have used it before! 😊 [Location, access, parking, etc.] ・It's very close to the station, so it's convenient to go by train! Of course there is no private parking lot! [Staff customer service/response, etc.] ・Very polite and kind! [About price range and product quality] ・Unknown as it is not possible to compare with other companies! [Other features and recommended points] ・Out of all the branches I've been to, they were the most polite! I would love to stop by again when I'm passing by! ✨ Thank you very much for this time 🙇‍♂️

  • ねんねんころり



    The person near the entrance greeted me first and responded politely. However, the young female receptionist after that made many mistakes and was quite rude. The highlighters used during the explanation were not showing any color, the documents were handled sloppily, the customers were not given paper bags to put the documents in, they were brought in at the end... there was no end to it. . If you're in the business of customer service, I think you should learn a little more by emulating your superiors and seniors.

  • 博子



    It's a polite and classy bank. I think it's a city bank. The staff are calm and polite and greet you with a smile. That's a great response. However, it is a shame that the parking lot is far away.

najbliższy Bank

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