みずほ銀行 浜松支店 in Hamamatsu

Japanみずほ銀行 浜松支店



🕗 öffnungszeiten

332-1 Kajimachi, 中区 Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 430-0933, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 53-452-3111
webseite: shop.www.mizuhobank.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7060401, Longitude: 137.7318657

kommentare 5

  • Tomo Sekiguchi

    Tomo Sekiguchi


    When I asked Mizuho Real Estate Sales on the 7th floor to inspect and appraise a used property I own, they gave me the lowest price out of all 20 companies I asked for an appraisal. What's more, it's the most annoying thing about a company that calls you and asks you to sign up for a general intermediary contract, perhaps because they're being rude to you.

  • devtac



    They wont let me wire transfer money unless i keep my money in the bank.

  • Y



    Parking is on the east side of the building. When you turn left at the bicycle parking lot, there is a one-way street heading north on the east side. The retractable parking lot has a height limit of 1.5m, so if you have a large vehicle, please speak to the security guard at the entrance of the parking lot, who will direct you to an affiliated parking lot. If you present your parking ticket at the bank counter, they will issue you a ticket.

  • コアラどす



    I went there on Monday morning and opened an account, but it took quite a while (about an hour and a half). The woman next to me who was applying for a change of address was yelling at me about how long I was going to have to wait, and other customers were also having to wait quite a while. I don't know if it's something to do with the system or just some clumsiness, but I can't deny that there are a lot of sluggish responses overall compared to other banks.

  • Sandy Juhasz

    Sandy Juhasz


    Good location at the intersection neat Hamamatsu train station

nächste Bank

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