みずほ銀行 八幡支店 en Kitakyushu

Japónみずほ銀行 八幡支店



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒802-0002 Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Kokurakita Ward, Kyōmachi, 1-chōme−4−17 北九州支店内
contactos teléfono: +81 93-521-4151
sitio web: shop.www.mizuhobank.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8847161, Longitude: 130.8792717

comentarios 5

  • 笹本雅彦



    There are no more ATMs where you can withdraw coins! ? There was one out of many! ? I'm disappointed.

  • Y J

    Y J


    The building's parking lot is not available to the general public. If you wish to use the 8 hourly parking lots adjacent to the parking lot or the hourly parking lot approximately 30 meters away, you can receive a free ticket by applying at the counter.

  • 中村



    When I came to open an account, even though I was in a hurry, my turn was delayed and it took nearly an hour. I was asked if I was using it for a personal account or for business, and even though I answered that it would be for personal use, I still didn't understand. I was particularly annoyed by the way the old man acted, as if he were making fun of me. It's the worst anyway😖💦💨

  • 宇治野隼之



    If you like any of the photos I posted on Google Maps, please feel free to take a look. However, since the cost is high, we would appreciate it if you could transfer your donation to the above account. There is no specified amount.

  • いずみん



    Thank you for always helping me fill out my bankbook.

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