Mizuho Securities Nagoya Branch i Nagoya

JapanMizuho Securities Nagoya Branch



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-3-1 Sakae, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0008, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 52-204-5111
internet side: shop.www.mizuho-sc.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.1682327, Longitude: 136.9002828

kommentar 4

  • Yoshi Fuji

    Yoshi Fuji


    Employee training seems to be declining, and the way the person in charge speaks is so frivolous that I can't stand it. I was like, ``Ah, that's right.'' It's strange that I was assigned a person even though I didn't even remember asking to be assigned in the first place, and that even though I requested a change, it was changed back to the previous one after a while. For example, if there is a timing when ``the value of the debt that was negative has increased,'' I would like to have a suggestion like ``Is it time to sell it and take a profit?'' But I don't have that. In fact, I wish he wouldn't call me too much other than that. I'm also busy with work. Recently, I have been transferring most of my assets to online securities with lower fees and no staff. I would like to withdraw all my assets as soon as the negative impact on some of the products that are currently on hold disappears.

  • **********



    rotten company. I can't even do what I said, and I can't do any of the basics of being a working member of society. In any case, anything that doesn't lead to your own results is a negative answer, and the procedures are confusing to the point of death. We recommend that you withdraw your assets from here before you become ill or develop dementia.

  • smat smat

    smat smat


    It's impossible. I took only the 2 year fee and it became negative. The MSCI World Index has risen significantly during that time. It's better to buy an ETF (index) yourself! Please be careful!

  • 渡邉秀章



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