Miyoshi Store in Kitakyushu

JapanMiyoshi Store



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Japan, 〒807-0873 Fukuoka, Kitakyushu, Yahatanishi Ward, Fujiwara, 2-chōme−1−2 ミヨシストアー
kontakte telefon: +81
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.8741253, Longitude: 130.7045253

kommentare 5

  • m g

    m g


    In the past, it was a very prosperous store where a local greengrocer worked hard to become a supermarket. We built our current store around 1995, and it was quite prosperous for a while. Perhaps because the owner is older and there are no more employees, the store is not well maintained and is not well maintained, which has led to complaints from the local community. It was once a popular and prosperous store, but it has become so popular that it continues to do business. It's kind of sad.

  • ケンケン



    Kitakyushu 44ru 1289 Are you in a hurry to stock up? Repeatedly ignoring traffic lights is dangerous

  • Kuni Ino

    Kuni Ino


    The parking lot next to it? It's full of trash and I don't know if it's open or not because the shutters are more than half closed. When I parked my car in the parking lot for a while, an elderly man who appeared to be the owner came out and said, ``Don't park here.'' Since it was next to a truck parked there, I thought it might be a bad spot, so I stopped at a place with a sign that said "P", but a man approached the car and said it was no good here either. In the end, I said, ``I'm going to call the police,'' so I stopped the car somewhere else. That place is probably a garbage dump, not a parking lot. If you don't want your car to stop, why not clean it up more neatly and put a sign that says ``This is a garbage storage area and unauthorized parking is prohibited.'' He was such a strange person that you wouldn't expect him to be someone who runs a business. I'll never stop by again.

  • 春本貴之



    The surrounding area of ​​the store was full of trash and dirty. Don't worry about cardboard being blown onto the street or in front of nearby houses on windy days. I don't understand the desire to buy food when I'm handling food even though it's unsanitary.

  • 鷹の爪



    A conscientious store where you can buy slightly misshapen vegetables at bargain prices. Members of the nearby K University baseball team sometimes come to buy lunch boxes.

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