Miyazawa Dental Clinic in Nagano

JapanMiyazawa Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

46-3 Minaminagaike, Nagano, 381-0024, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 26-221-0465
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.6398903, Longitude: 138.2294483

kommentare 5

  • パンジー



    There was only one doctor and I had to wait. There are no other patients. The thing I hated the most was being given an injection suddenly without any explanation! It hurt and I was surprised.

  • J



    I went to see him because there was something I wanted to ask him about, but he said something and put it off, and for several months he treated another area without fixing the important part. I don't really understand why I'm not doing it, and I feel like I've wasted my time.

  • ろーざけとる



    There was a long wait, I was kept waiting on duty, there was almost no treatment for the immediate pain, and I made an appointment for next week. I don't think he's a bad doctor (as a human being), but I'll definitely go elsewhere on my day off tomorrow. Sorry, but 1 star

  • 20 “‪forget20‬”

    20 “‪forget20‬”


    He is a very gentle doctor and allows you to relax and receive treatment. Recommended for people who hate dentists.

  • shun k

    shun k


    The doctor handles the reception, examination, and treatment all by himself. It's not crowded, so it's great for each patient to have a partner.

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