Miyazaki Green Hotel in Miyazaki

JapanMiyazaki Green Hotel


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Japan, 〒880-0022 Miyazaki, Ōhashi, 2-chōme−36−1
kontakte telefon: +81 985-22-1121
webseite: www.miyazaki-green.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 31.9194931, Longitude: 131.4110792

kommentare 5

  • Benjamin Amiot

    Benjamin Amiot


    Breakfast is included with the room (bread, jam, butter, and various teas and coffees) WiFi in the room and lobby is very fast. They provide self service amenities such as comb, razor, cleaning towel, creams, etc. In the lobby. One Free beer per room per day.

  • Beng chan

    Beng chan


    It was nice and good stay in Green hotel. 👍 I forgot my green pocket wifi last two weeks, then I call the staff to check if my pocket wifi is there. They said I have my pocket wifi there, and then they delivered (Chakubarai) from Miyazaki to Tokyo. I want to thank them for the effort and it delivered smoothly in the house. 本当にありがとうございました。☺️

  • ohmyheck31



    A nice room and breakfast

  • Paul McEvoy

    Paul McEvoy


    I just picked up a friend from the parking lot; I have no knowledge of the hotel itself.

  • Binking Binking

    Binking Binking


    Free mask for female, valuable breakfast, and many nearby restaurant. But, the room and bed is too small for a couple with a infant.

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