Miyanosawa Ekimae Dental Clinic i Sapporo

JapanMiyanosawa Ekimae Dental Clinic



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9-chōme-2-15 Hassamu 6 Jō, Nishi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 063-0826, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-669-4182
internet side: www.miyanosawa-shika.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.089315, Longitude: 141.277635

kommentar 5

  • まめえれ



    My children are always taken care of, and the dental hygienists are all kind... The other day, I talked to a young doctor about orthodontics (I had already decided to do it at another hospital). After being persistently asked, ``Which hospital?'' I answered, probably thinking that I wouldn't be able to hear it when I was paying the bill, and laughing and making fun of other hospitals. While others could hear it, I felt like I was being made fun of, and it was very unpleasant.

  • ささ



    Both the doctor and the hygienist are very kind and I have been coming here for a long time, but I am concerned about the reservation system. Previously, I received a call asking me to change my reservation, so even though I did so, I was booked again, so I received a call asking me to change my reservation. (I've changed my reservation over the phone, but it's been booked again, so I've been contacted twice so far to ask to change my reservation.) I was booked again on another occasion, so I had to change my reservation. I received a call asking me to do it. This has happened a total of 3 times so far. In fact, I've been booked every time since last year. I was told that it would be more reliable to make a reservation over the phone because due to the reservation system, it is possible to make multiple reservations for cleaning services, but I thought that I didn't need to use the reservation system. . I think it's inevitable that you're busy and that things don't go well with the system, but at this point I'm feeling a bit... and I think the person on the phone was probably the receptionist. However, I was a little surprised that they didn't really apologize and just said, ``We have a lot of reservations, so could you please change your reservation?'' It sounded like they were saying there was nothing wrong with us, just the system. I would apologize anyway, even if the booking was due to a system issue. It's a shame as he is a good dentist.

  • YTタンタン



    The dentist in charge and the staff spoke calmly and kindly, so I felt at ease during the treatment of my infant.

  • mik



    I thought the teacher was very good. However, the women at the reception made me feel uncomfortable. When I arrived a little early, he started complaining audibly, and I thought that if he was going to complain, he should have told me directly. I think it would be better to change it.

  • K “K'” K

    K “K'” K


    I used to work in dentistry. It's open until night, and I use it all the time. The response from the doctor and hygienist was very appropriate, and the doctor was very polite. The waiting room can sometimes be crowded with patients, but in those cases an assistant will bring over the missing chairs. He's a really good dentist.

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