Miyanojin Post Office en Kurume

JapónMiyanojin Post Office



🕗 horarios

5-chōme-13-13-3 Miyanojin, Kurume, Fukuoka 839-0801, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 942-32-9944
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.3275779, Longitude: 130.5345235

comentarios 5

  • りこりこ



    I usually work with two people, an older man and a woman. The feel is average, just normal customer service, so I don't mind. Although the response power is poor, it is helpful to have it in this location even though it is small.

  • S T A R

    S T A R


    I feel bad for the elderly people. Mr. 〇ki, who is also mentioned in the post... The only place I've ever been at a post office that felt so bad was Miya no Jin.

  • UA UA

    UA UA


    Auntie's response is really bad! I feel sick. People at other post offices are very responsive, but Miyanojin is disappointing.

  • まる



    The response is good in the spring when there are new employees. But he'll be gone soon. Two older women remain. I don't want to use the woman named Oniki because of her bad treatment. The other middle-aged woman was also unfriendly. I would like to change the person in charge, but I don't think anyone else will accept it. My children are so scared that they don't want to go.

  • 錠菓ラムネ



    The way the old woman named Oniki treated me was unpleasant. I will never use it again. There is no ☆0, so it is ☆1.

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