弥彦の奥湯 上州苑 in Yahiko

Japan弥彦の奥湯 上州苑


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494 Kannonji, Yahiko, Nishikambara District, Niigata 959-0319, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 256-94-2114
webseite: www.joshuen.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.6932694, Longitude: 138.8222556

kommentare 5

  • chima kichi

    chima kichi


    It was a wonderful inn that was dog-first. Although the facility has a historical feel, it was well-maintained, and the customer service from the employees was reasonable, making it a relaxing stay. The food was plentiful and delicious, and the large hot spring bath was spacious and relaxing. Although it was close to Yahiko Shrine and the sea, it was a very nice and quiet inn surrounded by lush greenery in the mountains.

  • K “オオハシ” S

    K “オオハシ” S


    The meal was very delicious. There are many seasonal wild vegetables, and the quantity is just right. The building feels old, but it is well maintained and doesn't bother me at all.

  • Ta mu

    Ta mu


    I thought there would be a pet odor the moment I entered the building, but it wasn't there at all. I didn't have to worry about dog hair either. Best of all, I was able to eat with my dog, which wasn't much else, and the dog was allowed to walk in the hallways as long as it was kept on a leash. There are no complaints about the room and bathroom. Although it was winter, I was able to sleep warmly. There are table tennis slippers, a few manga books, and a short drive will take you to downtown Yahiko, a ropeway, and a shrine, so you'll be very satisfied.

  • martha m

    martha m


    very nice location, good service. personally don't like the slippers.

  • Thomas Hammerlund

    Thomas Hammerlund


    Great if you are traveling with a dog. If I were to stay here again, I'd get the food set. (You can eat with your dog.) There is also a "dog run" here that is fenced off.

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