Miyamoto Dental i Matsuyama

JapanMiyamoto Dental



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20-8 Dobashimachi, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0032, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 89-945-6489
internet side: www.miyamotoshika-clinic.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.834766, Longitude: 132.756701

kommentar 5

  • りの



    The technique is delicate. Shortly after treatment, the root of the tooth deteriorated. Ehime Prefecture doesn't have any hospitals at all, so it's almost impossible to choose one, so I guess it's okay even for me. This may be normal in Ehime Prefecture.

  • rika rara

    rika rara


    It was my first time to see a dentist like this, where the treatment was completely different from what I had originally requested, and the tartar removal was so painful that I was covered in blood. I will never go there again. I was fooled by the site

  • だやまあおい



    I was indebted to him a few years ago. For those who are not good at dentistry, a regular check-up by a hygienist involves pricking all of your teeth with the tip of a scaler, but although some people are good at it, many people are not used to it, and I don't recommend it because the prick is quite strong and can be painful. Due to my move, I was treated at two other hospitals, but the bacteria had not been removed and if I continued to do so, it would have failed again. Root canal fillings for all of the other teeth had also failed. As a result, even my jawbone has turned into a sea of ​​pus, and the ceramics I paid for at my own expense were destroyed and I am having to undergo re-treatment. All of these treatments require retreatment several years later. It's a shame because the assistants and hygienists are kind, the atmosphere is nice, and they seem to be able to see the baby during treatment. I think the teacher is a confident person whose attitude is a little big and his confidence is not accompanied by technique. Also, I don't know if it was because of the amount of anesthesia or the type of anesthesia, but I experienced palpitations and loss of consciousness just at this dental clinic.

  • 吉田淳



    He will also speed up your treatment! We also provide thorough maintenance after treatment. The staff are always smiling and the clinic has a nice atmosphere.

  • Na.E



    The atmosphere is nice, it's clean, and the staff are all very nice, so my family and I take good care of them. He explained the treatment thoroughly until I was completely satisfied. I wonder if the other people with low ratings didn't listen to the explanation properly or were they recommended treatment without saying what they wanted to say. That's what I think. The teacher may seem overbearing at first glance, but perhaps he is shy? I feel like it's just that. If you talk to them normally, they will respond in a friendly manner. Teeth are very important to me, so I would like to continue going for regular cleanings.

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