Miyako Hotel Yokkaichi i Yokkaichi

JapanMiyako Hotel Yokkaichi



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1-chōme-3-38 Yasujima, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-0075, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 59-352-4131
internet side: www.miyakohotels.ne.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.9678741, Longitude: 136.6167938

kommentar 5

  • Mark Kraman

    Mark Kraman


    I really enjoyed my stay at this well-located, clean, and beautiful hotel. Thank you. Also, they have Asahi vending machines.

  • La Crete

    La Crete


    Not huge but very cosy rooms for a very well located hotel!

  • Olivia Tan 陳萩萌 ;)

    Olivia Tan 陳萩萌 ;)


    The hotel is located in the busy part of Yokkaichi. I think it's one of the biggest hotels in the county. Service was good, staff were helpful. There's pay parking in the basement for a fee. The room was clean and spacious, with the free usage of a coffee maker.

  • Iwakuni Foodie

    Iwakuni Foodie


    Stayed here this past weekend and have no complaints! The hotel was nice and clean. Staff was wonderful. Location was great. The only issue I had (and it wasn’t a big deal) was that their parking garage was full the second night we stayed so we had to park in the parking garage next to the hotel. Just a little inconvenient the morning we checked out, but it was fine. There is a Starbucks right next to the hotel. Plenty of restaurants within walking distance. A convenience store is nearby too. I would definitely stay here again if I come to this area. We were going to the races in Suzuka and this was the closest hotel I could find. The drive to the Suzuka Circuit was not bad at all and I’m kind of glad it worked out that way because we really enjoyed our stay in Yokkaichi.

  • Ryan Mizuno

    Ryan Mizuno


    Stayed here as part of our tour of Japan. The rooms were very clean, the beds were a little hard (just how I like it), and the staff was really friendly. We had breakfast at the first floor restaurant, which was very pretty standard, although the baked pastries were reallllly good. It's right next door to lala square (apita), with a supermarket and 100 yen store, so that was very convenient. Overall great experience and I would stay again.

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