Miyaji Post Office in Fukutsu

JapanMiyaji Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

5-chōme-2-5 Miyaji, Fukutsu, Fukuoka 811-3305, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 940-52-2242
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.7790303, Longitude: 130.4824692

kommentare 5

  • 雪白



    It is located on the path of light, very close to Miyajidake Shrine. Although it was a small post office, the female staff member who was in charge of the post office was courteous and considerate. It is very unfortunate that there is no attached parking lot.

  • きんもち



    I've used it 4 times and complained twice. Same person both times. The other staff members are good people, so I honestly want them to be transferred as soon as possible. PS: New? A young staff member was in charge of the counter, and staff members who were swearing retreated to the back. I was really happy because I used to go to another post office because I didn't want to be dealt with by the staff.

  • 桂かつら



    The atmosphere is brighter than before. I look forward to talking with the woman at the counter.

  • 星乃羽衣。



    Kind and polite. Even though the female employee was wearing a mask, I could tell she was smiling. I also work in the customer service industry, so I thought I would do my best.

  • いしずんち



    The counter service is the worst. Somehow, he says things to me from above. I wonder if this is the right way to respond. I don't want to use it again.

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