Miyagi Children's Hospital en Sendai

JapónMiyagi Children's Hospital



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-3-17 Ochiai, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 989-3126, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-391-5111
sitio web: www.miyagi-children.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2748357, Longitude: 140.7823914

comentarios 5

  • ruu



    My daughter has taken great care of me. Both the doctors and nurses were very kind. The office staff didn't particularly care. thank you very much.

  • mo to

    mo to


    I went to this female dermatologist for laser treatment for my child's birthmark. In the past, I had been sent referral letters to different hospitals at the JRCS, and I was told that there was a two-month wait for a consultation because they were fully booked. My dermatologist told me that he would not want to undergo treatment as he gets older, so I received treatment as soon as possible. I have forgotten her name, but I am very grateful to the female dermatologist.

  • 篠灯



    Most nurses are kind and polite. When I once had an injection for my child's blood test, it took longer than the nurses at other hospitals, and I felt sorry for the child because they had to re-point the needle many times and the needle was sticking in for too long. Maybe it's because there are a lot of relatively young nurses, but they may not be very good at that. Some doctors are polite, others Some people have dry skin. I complained of pain in the affected area and was given painkillers. Honestly, sometimes I'm told, "Other patients are able to tolerate it." There are some teachers who say things like that. The receptionist depends on the department, but Young people working as obstetric receptionists Perhaps because he has too much work to do, he speaks very harshly and quickly and gruffly. He also answered the phone in a rough manner. Only one nurse stood out because she was so polite, so I think it would be better if she was a little less aggressive.

  • SaintBread



    Do you like how your skin feel on your body?

  • Alex Shute

    Alex Shute


    Had to go here in the middle of the night with my daughter and the staff and everyone was great!

El hospital más cercano

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