Mixology Experience in Minato-ku

JapanMixology Experience



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒106-0032 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Roppongi, 6 Chome−2, Hama Roppongi Bldg 4F, Roppongi, 6-2-35
kontakte telefon: +81 3-6804-2126
webseite: r.goope.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6622149, Longitude: 139.7306077

kommentare 5

  • en

    Munjal Subodh


    My favorite bar in Tokyo. I almost never order off the menu and the staff there makes different drinks for me that always come out amazing. Very friendly and accommodating bartenders.

  • Manisha arora

    Manisha arora


    Very poor experience. We were a group of four ,3 of us ordered drinks but 1 of us just wanted to hang out.They kept on pressuring him to buy drink (apart from an $8 cover charge). Each drink is about $15. Even though the entire bar was empty with just us and 1 more couple. We finally had to leave.

  • Shany Ganon

    Shany Ganon


    Unique atmosphere, Old fashioned but innovative. Cover charge of 800. Totally worth the experience! Great food, cocktails and service!

  • Edouard Pelosi

    Edouard Pelosi


    Just great cocktail place in Tokyo. They execute very well on the classics and have amazing originals that are worth the visit.

  • en

    SH Yuh


    Great cocktails. Loved the Thawing Mary. A little hard to find but definitely worth visiting. Incredibly friendly staff who explained all the ingredients as well.

nächste Bar

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