Mitsuisumitomoginko Iidabashi Shiten in Shinjuku City

JapanMitsuisumitomoginko Iidabashi Shiten



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒162-0824 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Agebachō, 1−18 飯田橋ビル
kontakte telefon: +81 570-043-195
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.7022714, Longitude: 139.7435679

kommentare 5

  • ユージナ



    I used it to cancel my bankbook. I visited around 1 o'clock on a weekday, and when I told them I was there to cancel my passbook, they asked me in a loud voice that echoed throughout the store, ``After canceling my passbook, would you like to take it home with cash?'' I was honestly surprised. Also, I was told that there was a pre-need procedure to cancel my passbook, so I was given a phone number, but even after I called, I was unable to complete the required procedure, and in the end I had to start from scratch. I decided to investigate again and complete the procedure. For the time being, at the counter, when we talked about canceling the passbook or asking for the amount, we were careful to turn down the volume. I'm sure the person who initially responded to your request was busy or couldn't pay attention to various things. Even so, I felt it was imprudent to ask out loud, ``Would you like to take it home with cash?'' in a situation where there were many people around, including someone sitting right next to me. Although I was sure it would be okay, I was full of anxiety until I got home because I was actually thinking about taking it home in cash. I'm sure bank employees are busy every day and get anxious at times, but I hope they will be a little more careful when dealing with this issue. It was only once, but thank you for your help.

  • bread & wine

    bread & wine


    It is located right next to the B1 subway exit of Iidabashi Station.

  • ふじも10



    Iidabashi Station Subway Exit B1

  • ジンジャー



    I came here to open a savings account. Thank you for your kind response.

  • L KP

    L KP


    smbc branch and atms asof sept 2016 ATM here do not accept foreign issued cards.

nächste Bank

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