Mitsui Memorial Hospital en 千代田区

JapónMitsui Memorial Hospital


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Japan, 〒101-8643 東京都千代田区神田和泉町1
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3862-9111
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Latitude: 35.6998332, Longitude: 139.7792134

comentarios 5

  • yoko



    No hospital or country will give you free medical. Also if you don't speak their language (even basic one) and couldn't make communications, it will be dangerous for doctors as well as patients.

  • Anano Sichinava

    Anano Sichinava


    The worst customer service I have experience in Japan, in almost 5 years I’ve been living here. I called to ask a question, and the moment I tried to so, the lady who spoke english interrupted me “we can’t answer this question”. I told her I have not even be able to ask the question, how could she know whether she could answer or not?! She interrupted endlessly until I could finally ask the simplest question “Can I make appointment with Dr. Maki Nakata”. The worst experience. Looking for medical help and getting this instead is just ridiculous. If you need help, try Jikei hospital or Saint Luke’s - great service, great doctors.

  • Armok: God of Blood

    Armok: God of Blood


    Took me in from an ambulance when I said I didn't have insurance. Did imaging, but refused to treat me. Found out my insurance would pay, but the hospital refused to work with them. They handed me a bill for over ¥3,000,000 and threatened to have me arrested if I didn't pay. The hospital is run like a predatory extortion racket that goes after foreigners.

  • Oda Nobunaga

    Oda Nobunaga


    Many foreigners complain about the service which doctors don’t speak English and ask them to leave. Well, learn JAPANESE. They are medical professionals not linguistic professors. You are in Japan, so do as Romans do. I am a foreigner myself yet they treated me fine and well.

  • sachin targe

    sachin targe


    We aren’t japanese, my wife had health emergency we had referrals letter too. While booking appointment they asked for japanese translator so we took friend with us, the lady at the reception Gave form which was in English asked to fill it in japanese, started taking my fends interview like will you be coming every time with her? Started asking her some medical terms in japanese like do you know this? It was worst experience overall. Never seen anywhere. We even asked you atleast get her checkup done, our friend can understand that much japanese, detailed report you can give us we will show it to our physician but no. As if they were trying to send us back. So it’s advice for foreigners, think twice before going there.

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