Mitsubishitokyo UFJ Ginkotokorozawachuo Shiten in Tokorozawa

JapanMitsubishitokyo UFJ Ginkotokorozawachuo Shiten



🕗 öffnungszeiten

11-19 Hiyoshichō, Tokorozawa, Saitama 359-1123, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 570-018-016
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.7870264, Longitude: 139.4724642

kommentare 5

  • S K

    S K


    The employees were kind and courteous, but their normal work was inefficient, and they responded to me on the 2nd floor and were told, ``We have coordinated with the 1st floor, so there is no problem.'' When I went to the 1st floor, they said, ``This is different.'' be exposed. I was told that it would be coordinated, but I had to wait. I was told that there would be no problem, but it wasn't. What was the coordination? inefficiency!

  • ryu doragon

    ryu doragon


    I don't think the employees are to blame. Here, normal operations are simply too inefficient. It's so bad that it makes no sense. There are an unnecessary number of staff at the reception desk, and the actual desks at the counter are vacant, making customers wait for tens of minutes or even hours. It was so late that I made a new reservation and came back, but I was shocked to find that I had to wait even longer. It's probably a shame on the part of the management that they haven't improved their operations at all. What's more, what makes no sense is that the "card sales" people are so enthusiastic, but what are they thinking when their normal work isn't being carried out efficiently? They really don't look at their customers at all. Of course this is a cancellation.

  • 所沢プロぺ通り悪質キャッチ監視員



    In the evening, touts from nearby pubs hang out and play tricks, making it difficult to use ATMs. Very annoying.

  • 密本花桜



    It is strange that the Tokorozawa branch and the Tokorozawa Chuo branch are located at the same address and in the same building. I don't really understand this as a layman, but I guess it's necessary for the organizational structure.

  • Pierre Nacke

    Pierre Nacke


    Good place to change Euro to Yen.

nächste Bank

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