Mitsubishi UFJ Shintakuginkourawa Shiten en Saitama

JapónMitsubishi UFJ Shintakuginkourawa Shiten



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-6-7 Nakachō, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0062, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 48-829-2761
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.8602654, Longitude: 139.6545513

comentarios 5

  • 田中佐藤



    A bank account was created in my name without my permission, and a NISA account was created in my name without my permission. Banks that create bank accounts without your consent. Zero trust.

  • にんじん。



    Is remote good or bad? At least, I thought my procedure this time was bad. I visited three nearby banks with the same procedure. At the other two banks, it took about an hour to deposit the documents, so I was able to choose whether to go out or not, so I was able to kill time. I was there for less than 10 minutes. The remote system is well established here, and I place the documents one by one while the other party scans them. I think I was left on hold and held in a private room for over two hours while the other party checked. They don't serve tea, and since it's a bank, I guess you can't rent a toilet. I don't understand this. From the perspective of the worker, it looks good. From the user's side, it's a no-brainer.

  • Yousuke Uchiyama

    Yousuke Uchiyama


    From September 21, 2021 (Tuesday) - Temporary store, as shown in the image, due to relocation. Currently being relocated due to redevelopment of the west exit of Urawa Station. The aim is to return to the original location in five years (Reiwa 8). The store does not have a parking lot, but there is an affiliated parking lot at Urawa Parking Center (1-9-1 Nakamachi, ward), which is located along the railroad tracks behind Yokado. When you enter the store, there are two ATMs on the left and a counter in the back.

  • asti03



    Overall, the response is not very good. How many times have you gone to a store and made a mistake? Did you hear that it was called (Mitsubishi UFJ Bank)? Even so, the reviews for Mr. Sakai and others are terrible. Although it is called a bereaved family, if you cannot prove that you are an heir, there is no way you can withdraw the deceased's deposit. If you let them do it on their own, that's a big problem. Before blaming the bank, it would be better to blame yourself, the pathetic person who couldn't afford to pay for a proper funeral without relying on your parents' inheritance, and who is writing here after taking advantage of the trust bank. It must have been difficult for the bank staff to respond to unreasonable complaints from people who did not even recognize the bank name correctly and who were not even customers.

  • 本山



    8 years ago, when I was 20 years old, I just walked through the automatic door thinking it was UFJ Bank, and someone said, ``Maybe this is...Σ(´∀`;)''. I still remember how I was looked down upon.

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