Mister Donut Asakusa en Taitō-ku

JapónMister Donut Asakusa



🕗 horarios

1 Chome-7-16 Nishiasakusa, Taitō-ku, Tōkyō-to 111-0035, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3841-5276
sitio web: www.misterdonut.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7112271, Longitude: 139.7917107

comentarios 5

  • en

    No Thankyou


    Good donuts. I'm not sure what what can be said. Not a super special donut shop like all the hipsters have created here in NA, just a regular donut shop with decent donuts

  • Camille Marie Marcon

    Camille Marie Marcon


    When I saw an ad for their iced desserts I was very excited to try them. My friend and I tried the mango flavored one and we were happy to find out that it wasn't too sweet. I want to try the tiramisu flavored iced dessert next. The donuts were also great. Flaky soft and the sweetness is just right.

  • en

    Jigo Hayashi


    Commendable for donut lovers during breakfast and afternoon snack time. A bit tired facilities, but ok. Recently banned smoking areas. Also equipped with WiFi environment. Free refill for hot coffee. Value for money place in Asakusa vicinity.

  • en



    Love that it’s not too sweet (compared to say Krispy Kremes). That chewy bouncy texture of donut dough is awesome! Strawberry and matcha are my faves.

  • Henry Hargrove

    Henry Hargrove


    This chain is surprisingly good. The donuts have this chewy texture to them that makes it unique from western donuts. And the glazes are wonderful. We also did the old fashioned that was spot on and their savory pies had a super flaky crust. The coffee drinks and milk teas were ok but no something that must be had, especially since they are fairly expensive. Also tried another Mister Donut in a different city and the taste and quality was consistent between the two.

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