Mister Donut Asahikawa Shunko Store en Asahikawa

JapónMister Donut Asahikawa Shunko Store



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5-chōme-2277番61 Hanasakichō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 070-0901, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 166-59-5292
sitio web: www.misterdonut.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.79478, Longitude: 142.374953

comentarios 5

  • h nishi

    h nishi


    I think it's easy to park at Misdo, which I often go to. The inside of the store doesn't seem to be very large. On days when there are many families, it may be difficult to find a place to sit.

  • 平石真由佳



    My child has modestly said that he wants to eat Misdo on his birthday, so it's not even a birthday, it's just a holiday and I can buy donuts! I bought a lot of this and that! The new ones are great, but the classics are better! I only bought new items! I feel sorry for letting the child think that Misudo is something special. It just so happened that I couldn't use my car.

  • Emmie Mfune

    Emmie Mfune


    Great service

  • Michael Gooding

    Michael Gooding


    Nice little Japanese donut shop with plenty of choice.

  • Steve Greenhow

    Steve Greenhow


    The standard for decent, free-refill coffee in Japan. Not to mention lots of variety of yummy donuts! This location is nothing special, but it was clean, bright and cheery and open until midnight or so. Good donuts, good coffee in a clean, cheery shop with nostalgic oldies background music.

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