Mister Donut Aeon Town Moriya in Moriya

JapanMister Donut Aeon Town Moriya



🕗 öffnungszeiten

3-chōme-249-1 Yurigaoka, Moriya, Ibaraki 302-0110, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 297-46-4602
webseite: www.misterdonut.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.9446073, Longitude: 139.9896792

kommentare 5

  • ま


    The donut I dropped on the cash register was exchanged for a new one without a single disgusted look. I will buy it next time even if I drop it. thank you very much. I'll come back later.

  • Dr Ashish

    Dr Ashish


    Thoroughly professional and on the spot execution

  • なつななつな



    I went to Misdo for the first time in a long time because I wanted to try something limited to mobile order. I'm thankful that there are no misdos nearby. The store staff's response was also very good. I had to wait in line at the store and use the service on a different day, but they were very kind. However, since it's inside Aeon, it's sometimes so crowded that you can't even get inside.

  • T Miwa

    T Miwa


    I ordered using mobile ordering and was shopping inside Aeon Mall. The system is such that you can only place orders up to 30 minutes in advance, but when I went there before going to the second floor, my order was already ready within 10 minutes! ! ! But when I got home and opened it, I couldn't believe it didn't contain the strawberry pon de ring that my child was looking forward to (TOT) When I called and told them that, they responded, "I'll check and get back to you!" and got a call back in about 10 minutes. When I called back, they told me it was a mistake on their part and offered to deliver it today or give me a cash refund at a later date, but since my child wanted to eat it, I decided to have it delivered. It was delivered to Tsukuba City, and the store manager apologized very politely, and I felt like I was sorry 💦 The response over the phone was very polite and smooth, and I was really happy that they went out of their way to deliver it, even though they were covered in sweat. Even the kids enjoyed eating it! Everyone makes mistakes, but I think the impression you make is determined by how you respond afterwards. I don't know if the phone support and subsequent two-choice proposals are standardized throughout Misdo, but I will continue to recommend Moriya Aeon if you're going to buy Misdo! Please continue to be kind and courteous! Thank you very much for taking the trouble to deliver it to me 🙏

  • Shine Gawcen

    Shine Gawcen


    Love the honey dipped donuts.

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