みそ吉 神谷店 en Iwaki

Japónみそ吉 神谷店



🕗 horarios

Deguchi-52-1 Tairashio, Iwaki, Fukushima 970-8022, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 246-22-1345
sitio web: www.dskgroup.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.059572, Longitude: 140.921669

comentarios 5

  • イマミヤダイスケ



    Ramen, Karaage, Gyoza It was delicious! The staff were cheerful and made me feel comfortable. Thank you very much o(_ _)o I had a seat near the toilet, but it was very hot in the heatwave. It was cool around the time of payment, so I guess it can't be helped depending on the seat. (´・ω・`)

  • Ka Tu -

    Ka Tu -


    Shiroki Dandan noodles It is very tasty. On the menu, it says ``+half fried rice set'' + 300 yen for the ramen you like, but it is actually a ``fried rice small'' set, not half fried rice. Please be careful. As expected from a miso specialty store! All miso ramen It is very tasty.

  • kents



    I visited the store for the first time in a while. There are many types of ramen with miso as the main ingredient, and I get a different type of ramen every time. This time I ate the classic Sapporo miso ramen. It was delicious.

  • ろんこ



    I visited on a trip. I ordered Misokichi Ramen with heirloom miso, and it was even more delicious than I expected. It seems like you can enjoy a variety of miso flavors, so if it was nearby, I would probably go there often. However, I was concerned about flies and small insects flying around. The partition was also a little dirty, which bothered me while I was eating.

  • ちゃーこさん



    I went there to eat for the first time. I had the green onion miso ramen. You can choose the type of miso. I safely chose Sapporo miso. When I added spicy green onions as a topping, the amount of green onions was amazing (lol) The flavor is strong, but it feels like miso ramen. I'm a little disappointed that the menma that was included didn't go well with the miso and was too strong. I thought it was a good thing I didn't have it. The gyoza was refreshing and delicious.

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